Posted On : July 28, 2021
Dry fruits for Covid patients

Dryfruits are very useful for patient recovering from COVID. Many nuts such as cashews, almonds, walnut etc. are loaded with zinc and can help you increase your intake. Cashews have the zinc content among nuts and one serving of 28 grams can give you 15% of the DV. Dry Blueberries are rich in antioxidant supplements. They help prevent and treat coughs and cold. Research shows that people who consume food rich in flavonoids are less likely to come down with symptoms for respiratory diseases than those who don’t. Almonds, cashew nuts, walnuts among others are rich in Vitamin E, another supplement crucial to fight off sickness. They also make for a great midday snack. ----- Neels Dryfruits ----- You can order Dryfruits online using our Dryfruits ordering app in Mumbai, Navi Mumbai, Thane. Link of our app is given below, you can download app and place dryfruits order to get home delivery.